๐Ÿš€6. Tokenomics

The economic model of Ultiland is designed to ensure the sustainable development of the platform and provide users with diverse participation methods and profit opportunities. Through the carefully designed governance token ARTX+ARTY and the user-issued Meme token BOND, Ultiland achieves a win-win situation between the platform and users, while promoting the long-term stability and growth of the ecosystem.

6.1 ARTX

6.1.1 Basic Information

Total supply of 160 million, initial allocation of 70 million, subsequent output of 90 million (specific details to be announced).

ARTX is the governance token of the Ultiland platform, granting holders the right to participate in key decisions of the platform and playing an important role throughout the ecosystem. Through ARTX, users can not only participate in the governance of the platform and diverse use cases but also earn income through various means and contribute to the long-term stability of the platform.

ARTX is primarily used for various fees within the payment platform and for incentive mechanisms. Users can obtain ARTX output by staking BOND\ARTX\ARTY, and by holding ARTX, they can accelerate its release speed. The ARTX token plays a key role in the Ultiland ecosystem, facilitating liquidity and user interaction within the platform, while also being traded in the secondary market.

6.1.2 Core Use Cases

On-chain governance:

ARTX holders can propose and vote on various key matters of the platform, including asset listing standards, fee adjustments, token distribution strategies, and more. This decentralized governance model ensures that the development direction of the platform is collectively decided by the community, allowing every ARTX holder to have a tangible impact on the platform's future. Furthermore, the dynamic ratio of mining output between Stake and Trade will be delegated to users, rather than being dictated solely by Ultiland.

Stake/Trade to Earn:

ARTX is widely used to incentivize users and generate output through staking and trading. Users can participate in mining by staking ARTX and BOND and trading BOND to earn more ARTX as a reward. This not only enhances the platform's liquidity but also stabilizes the market value of ARTX and BOND.

In addition, content creation and promotion, ecological contributions, and the execution of governance decisions will receive corresponding airdrops or rewards.

Staking and Releasing:

To encourage long-term holding, ARTX holders can choose to stake their tokens for a period of time to receive higher yield returns. The longer the lock-up period, the more additional rewards received upon unlocking, and the faster the unlocking process. This mechanism aims to reduce the circulation of tokens in the market, prevent market volatility caused by short-term sell-offs, and incentivize users to participate in platform governance over the long term.

6.2 ARTY: Lending Reward Token

6.2.1 Basic Information

ARTY is a reward token specifically designed for the lending function of the Ultiland platform, with the primary goal of incentivizing users to participate in the platform's real asset on-chain lending protocols. Through ARTY, Ultiland further enhances the activity of the lending market and provides participants with additional earning opportunities. Its application scenario focuses on RWA lending protocols, with the output logic relying on autonomous interest rate adjustments, injecting liquidity pools, and staking ARTX. There will be value interactions between ARTY and ARTX across operations, markets, technology, and market capitalization, complementing each other to create a token combination with greater application and trading value.

6.2.2 Core Use Cases

Lending Rewards:

The ARTY token is primarily used to reward users who provide or accept loans through the platform's on-chain lending protocol. Borrowers can earn additional ARTY rewards by paying more interest, while lenders can enjoy extra ARTY incentives alongside their interest earnings. This two-way incentive mechanism not only increases the liquidity of funds on the platform but also enhances user engagement in the lending market.

Interest Rate Adjustment and Yield Optimization: The design of the ARTY token also allows both borrowers and lenders to adjust interest rates and yield distribution based on market conditions. Borrowers can choose to pay a higher interest rate in exchange for more ARTY rewards, while lenders can accept a lower interest rate to receive more ARTY returns. This mechanism ensures flexibility in the lending market and provides users with diversified yield optimization strategies.

Incentives in Lending Agreements:

Every lending transaction on the Ultiland platform may trigger the distribution of ARTY. For lenders willing to take on higher risks, ARTY serves as an incentive token, compensating for their risk tolerance and increasing their overall returns. This design helps attract more funds into the platform's lending market, enhancing the market's depth and breadth.

Vault and Mining:

In addition to being used in lending protocols, ARTY tokens can also be staked to generate more ARTY or other token rewards. Staking ARTY not only supports the lending ecosystem of the platform but also provides users with an additional source of passive income, incentivizing them to hold long-term and participate in platform governance.

6.3 BOND: Users Issue Tokens

6.3.1 Basic Information

BOND is the general term for tokens issued on the Ultiland LaunchPad, used for tokenizing real assets (such as artworks, real estate, antiques, etc.), and can also refer to broader assets (such as memes, artistic value, personal influence, etc.). BOND has a meme-like form but can represent ownership or extended value of assets, issued and traded through the Bonding Curve model, aimed at enhancing the liquidity and market value of assets, as well as more exploitable reference potential, providing a new way for the digital circulation and trading of real assets. According to the output mechanism of ARTX, staking and trading BOND can yield a certain amount of ARTX.

The total supply of BOND is 1.1 billion pieces, with an initial price of 5.75593E-06 and a final price of 9.92441E-05, resulting in an increase of approximately 17.24206975 times, while the TVL will reach 109168.4816 USDT. Among them, 100 million BOND will be burned, and 9168.4816 USDT will be used to pay for listing fees on the DEX, thus forming 1 billion BOND + 100,000 USDT. According to the AMM algorithm of xยทy=k, the price on the DEX will be 0.0001 USDT. The remaining unpaid USDT will start to be injected into the LP over 10 days beginning T+1 after the BOND is launched on the DEX, in order to boost the price.

6.3.2 Core Use Cases

Asset Tokenization

Users can tokenize various real-world assets through the Ultiland platform, adopting different models on the Ultiland Launchpad to create BOND tokens. Each BOND token is linked to a specific asset or project, representing its ownership or future earnings. Through this tokenization, users can easily convert traditional assets into digital assets and trade them globally.

Transactions and Circulation

BOND tokens can be freely traded within the platform, allowing users to appreciate or transfer assets by buying and selling BOND. The Ultiland platform uses a Sigmoid Bonding Curve model to ensure that the price of BOND dynamically adjusts according to market supply and demand, ensuring fairness and transparency in transactions.

Profit Sharing

Users holding BOND can share the earnings from the assets represented by the token protocol, such as rent, dividends, and sales, which will partially affect the liquidity and price of BOND. This profit-sharing mechanism provides investors with an additional source of income while also enhancing the attractiveness of holding BOND.

6.4 Value Flow

The economic model of Ultiland ensures the long-term development of the platform and the continuous benefits for users through a carefully designed value flow mechanism. The value flow both within and outside the platform encompasses the interactions between tokens and various profit avenues for users.

The design logic lies in ensuring the circulation and utilization of tokens within the entire ecosystem. Through various mechanisms for token repatriation (staking to produce ARTX, holding tokens to accelerate unlocking), it ensures that the value of the tokens will not be infinitely diluted, while also incentivizing active participation from users.

The bonding curve ensures that the price of BOND during the launch phase can automatically adjust with changes in supply and demand. This is both a test and a support for the publicly issued BOND and the asset value it relies on. The Sigmoid curve design helps to some extent avoid the rapid decline of meme tokens at the end, such as those on Pump.fun.

The core of the trading, staking mining + position acceleration unlocking system is to maintain the efficient circulation of tokens within the ecosystem, allowing tokens to realize their fundamental value of producing more tokens while reducing the number of circulating tokens in the market, along with some burning actions, thereby maintaining the value of the tokens.

At the same time, there are interactions between BOND, ARTX, and ARTY, which also have use cases in the art and RWA business sectors, further promoting the prosperity of the platform's economic activities.

Ultiland supports the tokenization of external assets, connecting real-world assets with the blockchain world through BOND. This tokenization not only enhances the liquidity of assets but also brings external value into the platform ecosystem, increasing the platform's attractiveness and market influence.

After users earn profits through trading and holding tokens, they can choose to reinvest their earnings into other projects or tokens on the platform. The design of Ultiland's ecosystem ensures that users' profits can be efficiently cycled within the platform, further enhancing the appreciation potential of individual assets while supporting the platform's sustainable development.

6.5 Sustainability of Tokenomics

The economic model of Ultiland not only focuses on current market demand but also lays the foundation for the platform's long-term sustainable development. Through token distribution mechanisms, community incentives, and multi-layered value flow design, Ultiland can maintain stability under different market conditions and provide users with long-term participation and profit opportunities.

Market Dynamic Balance: Ultiland ensures the stability and dynamic balance of token prices through the Sigmoid Bonding Curve model, as well as the realization of true prices. This model adjusts token prices through mathematical formulas, allowing them to change with market demand, thereby avoiding the risks associated with excessive market volatility.

Long-term incentive mechanism: The incentive design of ARTX and ARTY is aimed at ensuring long-term user participation. These tokens not only provide holders with opportunities to participate in governance and investment but also enhance community engagement and platform stability through continuous rewards and profit distribution.

Self-hosted vault release: The design of the release rules ensures a gradual release of tokens, avoiding short-term market sell-off pressure and preventing the issue of asset value being undermined by token emissions. This mechanism encourages holders to hold tokens for the long term, thereby promoting the stable development of the community.

Systemic Risk Management: The platform ensures stability and security during market fluctuations or unexpected events through the staking mechanism of ARTX and flexible risk control tools. Ultiland's risk management strategy includes an automatic liquidation mechanism and dynamic adjustments to mining and trading reward ratios, further reducing the impact of systemic risks on the platform.

*More details about Tokenomics will be continuously updated as the project develops.

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